Em tempos fomos "Lindas, Exuberantes, Maravilhosas, Boas, BUÉ DA BOAS, BOAS CMÓ MILHO, GANDAS AVIÕES, SÁDICAS, PÉRFIDAS, MAKIAVÉLICAS, PLAGIADORAS, *MT* MAROTAS, BADALHOCAS, ABUSADORAS DE CONFIANÇA! As DUAS k afinal são TRÊS! (EPA, ESTA MERDA É ALTAMENTE! MUAHAHA)" Agora continuamos lindas, BUÉ boas, ligeiramente sádicas, daltónicas...mas passámos a ter + k fzr!! As DUAS k afinal é 1!! O blog abandonado e semi-morto pra gaja k ainda n s eskeceu do endereço vir mandar uns bitaites d vez em qd

Cor do post da Inet

Cor do post da Lisabete

Cor-de-rosa foleiroso da Mokinha

Castanho-cócó da Cruelinha

Amarelinho do et boca-de-crochê

Nós somos mesmo boas e agora estamos assim:


Meu humor atual - i*Eu


Meu humor atual - i*Eu


Meu humor atual - i*Eu

Outros aviões e AMIs nossos amigos:

a fossa


Call me Mr. Telles

gays gone by

Eng Tony Da Great && Fully Loaded


Miss Connections

O Cabaret do Sakana

Swedish Report (Erasmus)

Para recordar:


Síndrome de Atum

a marota tb morreu, paz à sua alma!

Ranho... BOO!


Planos makiavélicos passados:




Junkeira e Carneiro (RIMMMMMMM!!)

Apontamentos de histologia do ICBAS

atlas de anatomia patologica (COPIÁMOS AS CORES!!!!!!)

coloração de Hematoxilina-Eosina e P.A.S.

aos a.m.i.s, por serem *muito* broncos, por serem as nossas musas inspiradoras e por serem *muito* fáceis de tramar!

à cruelinha por continuar a arranhar toda a gente e arrancar braços e pernas ao pessoal (o k vale ék nós dp fazemos-lhes curativos!) e por nos ensinar a falar xinês

escrita "inteligente" do inetokia e do molasonic

toda a comunidade extraterrestre para-anormal k nos ker tramar e k raptou a pulguentinha e nos devolveu a beta e invadiu o bedel

outros blogs de onde pudemos plagiar e alterar posts e com os kuais podemos gozar descaradamente

ao telles por nao mandar o blog ao ar (o k vale ék aterrava em cima de uma almofada...) e de vez em quando nos deixar plagiá-lo embora os t.p.c.s k ele menos gostava quando andava na primária fossem as cópias!

ao brecke por ter 10 anos de inglês extra-curricular e pela correcção ortográfica (já k o blogger n tem uma correcção automatica em portugues só pra nos tramar!!!!)

ao sakana por ser um santo (às bezes) e ter uma paciência 'infinita' pra aturar a xata da molinha k lhe pede botões iguais ao do pastas às 3 da manhã

ao dani por nos pegar o virus k muda o template compulsivamente sem a autorização do sócio e acaba por gerar uma crise rochal :[

ao óscar_com_acento por ser um santo e ter *MUITA* PACIÊNCIA e a culpa ser sempre dele!

ao atum por se ter tranformado numa galinha espavorida por osmose e dar cabo da cabeça à molinha

ao k.m.t.s.p.p.e.g. por nos ter ensinado a ser umas paranoicas profissionais

aos ovos mexidos por serem comidos às 4 da manhã e ajudarem a mokinha a libertar a sua raiva (?!) :s

ao sr. k inventou o pictionary e às toupeiras por serem tao faceis de desenhar

ao macaco por ser um maroto!!!

à rotunda, por ter um buraco no meio

ao ninguém por aturar a mokinha e por pagar à osmose

à culpa por ser a haja do oscar e assim toda a gente em c.b. já pensa k o óscar tem namorada!

à confiança por nos deixar abusar dela

aos padrões por estarem em todo o lado

ao vírus distraido da beta por 'animar' os nossos dias

aos remorsos_slash_sentimentos de culpa por serem os únicos sentimentos k a molinha tem

ao *noninho por gostar de migas com bacalhau e por ter morrido de vez. paz à sua alma. :]

à Marininha por ser a nossa *FÃ NUMERO 1*, ser das únicas pessoas k lê este blog e ter criado um blog em nossa honra

à osmose por continuar a trabalhar apesar de ninguém lhe pagar (este ninguém é mesmo traiçoeiro!)

aos victans por serem potentes psicotrópicos e acabarem com a nossa viva

aos valdisperts por nao serem potentes psicotrópicos e nos deixarem a CAGAAAARRRR pra tudo e pra todos

ao vizinho psicótico da inet por continuar a martelar paredes e a brocar alicerces como se amanhã não tivesse braços, nem paredes, nem martelo, nem vida e por se chamar OSCAR!

à carina por continuar a cantar compulsivamente a 'left outside alone' como se todos os vizinhos fossem surdos e nao fossem ficar irascíveis e agarrar numa kalashnikov, bater-lhe à porta e acabar com a viva dela

ao renato por tratar do freezinho fofinho e conduzir k nem um louco e nos fazer pensar k a nossa viva está prestes a acabar mesmo sem termos tomado victans

ao Sr.Rito por ter comprado o Bee fofinho e vender GANDAS PORTAS AVIOES e ser mt irritante e comprovar k o nome diz mesmo mt acerca dele

ao PROF.SALIMOU pk vai resolver *todos* os problemas das nossas vivas

à pessoa k escreveu a 'my immortal' pois sem essa musica o mundo n fazia sentido nenhum

aos coraçoezinhos por serem foleirosos e ridiculos e estarem na moda

à CP por ter linhas do comboio para onde as pessoas horriveis sao atiradas

aos calhaus de xisto por serem GRANDES e ENORMES e nos tornarem pessoas felizes

aos texugos por serem gordos e nós nos podermos comparar a eles

aos avioes por serem bons e nós nos podermos comparar a eles

ao bee por ter sido o fiel cumplice da inet durante *muito* tempo

aos ratinhos de laboratorio por deixarem ser altamente eskuartejados e fazerem a inet mt :]

aos sabonetes e às camas a k são amarradas pessoas

às persianas e aos autoclismos por nao nos resistirem

aos lobos esfomeados por não comerem a mokinha

ao blogger por ainda nao nos ter expulso devido a excesso de posts/dia (embora nos trame constantemente com mensagens de erro, esperas interminaveis e posts a ir ao ar)

aos [slash]_slash_[splash] pela energia inesgotável e por estarem sempre cá quando nós precisamos deles

a *todas* as pessoas k entram neste blog diariamente à procura de 'gajas boas' e nos aumentam o numero de visitas

a *todos* os smilies k nos ajudam continuamente na produção destes magníficos posts em especial ao smilie bonzinho por ser mto bonzinho e por ter *MTA* PACIÊNCIA pra nos aturar a todas

e *todas* as pessoas k nos tramam_slash_dao_'despreso' diariamente sem as quais este blog não poderia existir :)


Contactadas pela A.P.D.S.E.B.K.S.A.C. (Associação Protectora dos Smilies e Bonecos k Smilam Alguma Coisa) vimos por este meio esclarecer k nenhum boneco ou smilie foi magoado nem a sua integridade física, psíquica ou moral foi posta em causa no decorrer dos nossos posts e k todos bonecos e smilies possuem contractos de trabalho válidos por 5 anos, tendo direito a súbsidio de natal, 13º mês, licença de parto e seguro de saúde (com excepção do smile k não smila de todo por se recusar a trabalhar e ter sido expulso do sindicato dos smilies)

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Σάββατο, Αυγούστου 27, 2016
O Dan Brown devia pagar-me uma ideminização

Pelamordedeus! Há uns tempos aluguei o audiobook "The Lost Symbol" na biblioteca para ouvir enquanto vou a conduzir para o trabalho e eis o que tenho a dizer sovre o livro: que cagada em três actos!!

Quer dizer, três não... CENTO E TRINTA E TRÊS!!!

Fónix!! Que bela trampa.

Para o caso de alguém estar a pensar em pegar nesta belíssima obra de literatura, aqui ficam as minhas reviews preferidas da amazon --- quem me dera ter lido isto antes de ter alugado o audiobook. O meu conselho: não leiam!!

on September 17, 2009
The pages turned quickly, but this was in part because I found myself skimming the vast sections of religious philosophy, psuedo scientific mumbo-jumbo and pedantic exposition, all of which seemed to go on endlessly.

The book builds and builds until the shockings truths are finally revealed. Without disclosing any details, one of these shockers had been painfully obvious for some time and I was impatient for Brown to just get it over with. When the other shocker was revealed, my reaction was "so what".

I enjoyed the cliff-hanger chapter endings in Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code, but they quickly became annoying in "The Lost Symbol". Worse, much of the book felt like padding. The last 50 or so pages was like an infomercial -- the story is over, but wait, there's more! I kept hoping the book would have an interesting conclusion, but it ended with a wimper, not a bang.

VINE VOICEon September 23, 2009
A quick note on the ranking: I hold 5-star ratings in reserve for the best of the best. The previous Robert Langdon books I would rate at about 4 stars for being fun reads but nothing that would resemble a literary masterpiece. I enjoyed this book significantly less than the other two, hence the two stars.

'The Lost Symbol' is not a bad book. While it would certainly rank it 3rd amongst the three Robert Langdon novels it is still an amusing read. I forgive Brown for his weak writing style and I accept that he writes characters that are fairly two-dimensional with little personality outside of that which pertains explicitly to the story. I accept that this novel was going to have the exact same story structure and characters as the previous two. I accept that the relationships between people will be odd. I accept that most chapters will end with a variation on his cheap cliffhanger "And then Robert couldn't believe what he saw!" I accept all that. And yet, even with all those concessions, this one just left me flat.

When it comes to the writing style I'm not entirely sure if I should be blaming Brown or his editor (or, potentially, his lack thereof-which I guess would be blaming him). The style, while simple, could easily be smoothed out with an editor who was given some room to work. What hurts his prose is repetition of words and phrases over and over and over and over-often on the same page.

Sure, the story structure is an identical match to the first two with all the same types of characters and twists. But here's the issue, this time is just doesn't work like it did before. Here's why:

1. Robert Langdon is officially a moron: He spends more time being lectured to and making wrong guesses than he does solving anything. His inner monologue serves to deliver some interesting asides, but nothing that helps forward the plot. I'm fairly certain he figured out absolutely nothing critical in the last third of the book. He was completely marginalized.

2. The science of Noetics, as used in this book, is a complete throwaway with no bearing on the plot: In A&D the science of matter and anti-matter played a significant role in the overall plot. It's relation to the Big Bang and religion as well as its overall implementation throughout the story was essential. Here, the Noetics pops up just enough to be annoying once you realize it serves no primary purpose. Also, Noetics is barely a science. Reading this book would make one think it's far more legitimate than it is. I was fascinated several years ago when I first heard it mentioned. Upon further research one finds that it is more wishful thinking than science and that it has very little actual research and support. Closer looks at studies (the water that has been "loved" is a favorite) show gaping holes, inconsistencies, and a complete lack of scientific method. While it may sound nice it just serves no purpose.

3. The payoff just doesn't work: Maybe we're out of major historical secrets to reveal to the world because this one just fizzles out. The build-up of this story often felt like it was stretching. In the previous Robert Langdon novels he finds himself moving between a great many locations surrounded by symbols and puzzles. Here, he spends his time in a handful of buildings, several of which play no role in solving anything but are simply places for him to rest or think. I often found myself turning pages, not to see what happened next, but to see if ANYTHING happened next. The reveals in the first two were very cool. This one gets such hype and then comes the "Really? That's it. I just read 500 pages to find THAT out? There's a few hours I'll never have back." moment.

I can say, unequivocally, that when the special edition with all the pictures is released I will absolutely not be purchasing it. I just don't care to ever read this novel again. I learned a few things about history and there were some interesting parts. But overall it was just mediocre, and sometimes that's worse than being bad.

on May 17, 2010
First, let me tell you what's positive about DB's latest: The nuggets of symbology, D.C. architecture, and history are great. For me, it was by far the best aspect of The Lost Symbol and I completely enjoyed learning about them.

Now, here is my list of things (in order of how much they irritated me) that ruined this book for me (SPOILERS!!!):

1. The ending is the anticlimactic ending to end them all. The entire plot revolves around the Ancient Mysteries. We are led to believe that it's the single most powerful thing on the planet. The fate of every character in the book is seemingly tied to it. The forefathers and old Masons concocted a prodigiously cryptic, complex, arcane system of codes to keep it secret and to make sure that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. People in the story DIE because of it. And, drum roll please! The Ancient Mysteries turn out to be...the Bible. What?! All of this hoopla to protect something that millions of people have sitting on their shelves in the first place? This "secret" could have been published on the front page of every newspaper in the world with explicit instructions on how to obtain enlightenment and it still wouldn't have had that great of an impact overall; people would just continue to go on with their lives. What a disappointment.

2. We eventually find out why the CIA is involed (which, as other people have pointed out, would not be the agency involved to begin with). We know that it has something to do with a video or image on Sato's laptop which severely shakes up people like Warren Bellamy, so it must be VERY serious and damaging. However, it turns out that it's only a video of Masonic initiation rites that show the faces of very important and powerful U.S. citizens. Uh, in reality, if this indeed got out to the public it would be news for a day, maybe two, then people would promptly forget about it. After all, how can a bunch of men playing dress-up and putting on plays be so damaging? I don't know, but the CIA sure thinks it can be.

3. What exactly was Mal'akh's goal? I thought I had this understood: he wanted to find the Ancient Mysteries and become all-powerful. Ok, sounds reasonable. Yet, at the end, without even finding the Mysteries, he gives himself his final tattoo and then decides to sacrifice himself. Wait a second, he never found what he was looking for the entire time! How did he accomplish his goal?! THIS MAKES NO SENSE!! And furthermore, why was everyone trying to prevent him from finding the Ancient Mysteries anyway? All it was was a Bible which couldn't even be dug up in the end. He literally could have done no damage with this information, yet people like Peter Solomon, Warren Bellamy, and Robert Langdon went through pains to prevent him from finding this out. Am I missing something?

4. You would think that after Langdon's adventures in Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code he would be pretty open to "fantastical" claims made by other, intelligent, credible people. However, here we are, with Mr. Langdon still being the biggest skeptic out there. I can't even estimate how many times he said something such as, "Surely you don't believe that, it's only a legend!" only to have himself be proven wrong moments later. Just believe Robert, you'll save everyone alot of time!

5. I understand the connection that Noetic Science has with the power of the mind and the "Ancient Mysteries", but it really served no purpose here. I thought something big concerning it would occur but nothing does. What was the point of Brown even mentioning it at all in the book other than he wanting to throw in another "esoteric" facet for the heck of it? In a related gripe, how did Mal'akh even know about Katherine Solomon's lab and research, and why was he determined to destroy it? Why would her research have mattered to him if he alone had access to the Ancient Mysteries and became all-powerful? Did the research seriously threaten his plans (which would have been monumentally coincidental since his own aunt was carrying it out), or did he just want revenge on his aunt even though she never slighted him in any way? Either way, it makes no sense. The lack of explanation with this thread was unbelievable.

6. In every one of Brown's novels, there is always a pair that team up, and together they have all the answers without fail. This time around it's Robert and Katherine trying to decipher the pyramid. Robert doesn't know what to do next? Don't fear, Katherine will undoubtedly know the obscure answer! Katherine is stumped the next chapter? Don't fret, Robert will know the answer only three people in the world know. Good thing those exact two people teamed up or else the plot would have come to a standstill.

7. The dialogue is purely painful at times. The worst are the classroom flashback scenes in which Robert/Peter interact with students. You can't help but put your head in your hands when reading some of those exchanges...Also, there were numerous times when, during an urgent moment, Robert, Katherine, or someone else had to stop and give the other character a dissertation on something. "My brother Peter will most likely die tonight, the CIA is hot on our heels, we're running out of precious time, but let me pause for a moment so I can explain to you, Robert, an enigmatic piece of history that will help us advance the plot." This happens CONSTANTLY.

8. Having a mini cliffhanger at the end of every short chapter is wearily played out. Stop doing it! When you do it over and over and over again, it loses its effectiveness.

9. Peter: "Hey Robert, my hand was cut off just hours ago and I found out that the son I thought had died years ago was really the lunatic that tried to kill my family and I witnessed his gruesome death before my eyes, you were drowned in some sort of breathable liquid and were knocked out cold after having your head smashed against the floor and undoubtedly have a concussion, and Katherine had most of the blood drained out of her - but let's forget about all that for the moment and go sightseeing at the top of the Washington Monument. Then, afterwards, you and Katherine can take this key and watch a romantic sunrise from atop the Capitol Building. I'd join you, but I suppose I really should get to the hospital considering a madman cut my right hand off. Hmmm, I wonder why no medical personnel forced all of us to go before in the first place? Oh well, enjoy your time here in Washington!"...A ridiculous ending to a ridiculous story.

10. Why didn't Katherine, Trish and Peter just use a damn flashlight when walking through Pod 5 on the way to the lab? Just buy one for 5 bucks at Walmart instead of walking for hundreds of feet through the pitch dark. They're supposed to be brilliant scientists?

That's about all I can think of. Although TLS started promising, it just dissolved into a hodgepodge of nonsensical drivel. It's a shame because there's a good book buried here somewhere. But I think I may be through with Dan Brown, there are too many other good books out there.

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